Nirvana Yoga is a complete philosophy and science of health, healing and spiritual evolution, founded and developed by a great master of modern times, Master Madhavacharyan.


Nirvana Yoga is a non-religious system of philosophy and science, representing a functional integration at the highest level of spiritual-psycho- somatic. It contributes not only to physical health, but also to a state of well-being at all levels of life.


Nirvana is the state of self-realization, the total elimination of suffering. Yoga is the union of the individual self or soul with the Universal Self.


The system includes yogic practices extremely specialized in curing various physical and mental health problems.


It is a holistic system which, based on an ethical discipline, leads to health, peace, happiness, love and wisdom, because through regular practice, it is possible to eliminate the root causes and symptoms of diseases, as well as to eliminate imbalances. from the causal, energetic and physical body of the human being.

The techniques of the Nirvana Yoga system are supported by scientific research conducted under the auspices of the Nirvana Yoga Institute and scientific research conducted over the past 25 years in the field of yoga around the world.

The founder of the system, Master Madhavacharyan, was born in 1950 into a spiritual family in Kudappanakkunnu, Thiruvananthapuram, the capital of Kerala, India. The Master’s scientific and philosophical research in yoga culminated, after a period of 50 years, with the achievement of Nirvana in 2005.


Nirvana is the state of unity with the Supreme Energy and is produced by the supreme liberation of the status of individual consciousness and the complete union of the individual soul with the Supreme Energy – The Adi Shunya Bala Shakthi. This is the final destination of the spiritual journey of the soul. Due to this supreme energy unity, the Master functions as a source of Supreme Energy.

The difference from other yoga systems is that through the practice of Nirvana Yoga is received a special flow of energy at all levels – mental, physical and spiritual – flow sustained through Master Madhavacharyan. Energy flow is felt during the yoga practices in the form of physical sensations and, after the practice, through states of relaxation, calm, inner peace, through lack of excessive and negative thoughts.

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Treat the underlying cause of the disease and not the symptoms alone”  Master Madhavacharyan