Beginners Yoga Course

The course is dedicated to people who want to understand what yoga is and what are the benefits of the practice for body, mind and soul. The course period is of 5 days/5 Classes/1 Class 1h15min. 


Relaxes the mind

Increases the energy level

It brings inner wellbeing: joy, peace, harmony

Increases the awarness

Tones the muscles

Improves the sleep

Back Therapy Course

The course is dedicated to people with spinal disorders, severe contractions of the back muscles, as well as those with reduced mobility. The course period is 5 days/5 Classes/1 Class 1h15min. 


Relax the spine

Relax the back muscles

Releases muscles contractions

Tones the back muscles

Increases the energy level

Relax the mind

Meditation Class

Amasana Meditation is a meditation technique that is done by focusing entirely on breathing. Practice includes mantras that help relaxing the mind. 



Reduces and eliminates stress, anxiety, excessive thoughts and negative thoughts

Increases the self-healing potential

Increases the vitality of internal organs

Improves the hormones secretion

Improves the brain activity

Brings mental clarity, increased force of action

Raise awareness

Brings transformations depending on the energy level of each person


The practice is recommended for people who meditate in a guided manner and those who want to overcome the challenges of this type of meditation, as well as people who want to benefit from the energy received during practice.

Pranayama Class

Pranayama includes various yogic breathing techniques that helps balance physical, mental and emotional. 


Relaxes the mind and relaxes the physical body

Increases the energy level

Properly oxygenates the lungs 

Brings an optimal exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide with each breath

Helps achieve an optimal cellular metabolism

Cleanses the lungs and the respiratory tract

Prevents, relieves and cures respiratory diseases

Revitalizes the whole body

Brings mental clarity

Reduces insomnia and blood pressure

Reduces anxiety by balancing pranks

Removes the pranic blockages, resulting in deep states of meditation

Teen Yoga Class

The yoga practice for teenagers is an experience of physical, mental and emotional balancing. 


Relaxes the mind

Eliminates emotional blockages

Increases the energy level, concentration and memory

Increases the resistanse to stress

Increases self esteem

Optimizes the emotional expression

Develops empathy and respect for others

Reduces anxiety, physical and emotional tensions

Improves sleep

girl, nature, teenager

Immunity Yoga Class

The practice of immunity yoga is dedicated to the prevention of infectious and non-infectious diseases, as well as the strengthening of immune functions. The practice is dedicated to people over the age of 12.


Increases the immunity

Prevents the infectious and non-infectious diseases

Strengthens the respiratory system

Increases the lung capacity

Prevents the respiratory diseases and increases the oxygen supply in the body

Eliminates the stress and calms the mind

Increases the level of energy

Increases the vitality, streght and the immunity of the organs

Improves the states of meditation

Reduces and eliminates the anxiety, panic attacks, depression and insomnia

Prenatal Yoga Class

Prenatal yoga is a slow, specially structured yoga practice, that supports the mother and baby in all levels of transformation during pregnancy.


Relaxes the mind

Increases the level of energy

Relaxes the wrists 

Flexes the wrists

Reduces and eliminates the back pain

Increases awareness of pregnancy and changes during pregnancy

Supports physical transformations, mental, energetic and spiritual during pregnancy

hands, pregnant, woman

Frequent Questions

New to Yoga?

Yoga este definita ca fiind un grup de pozitii fizice, exercitii de respiratie, concentrare si meditatie, cu radacina in India antica. Cuvantul yoga provine din sanscrita “yuj” si inseamna “se alatura”, “a se uni” sau “a lega”.  Scopul practicii de yoga fiind armonia intre corp – minte – suflet. Practica de yoga a fost inclusa de catre Inteleptul indian Patanjali, cu aproximativ 2.000 de ani in urma, intr-o colectie de 196 de declaratii numite Sutre, care servesc ca un ghid filozofic pentru practica de astazi.


Pentru a incepe practica de yoga ai nevoie doar de haine confortabile, o saltea de yoga (daca practici online) si curiozitate. Recomand ca hainele sa nu fie stranse pe corp, preferabil din bumbac si de culoare deschisa. Yoga se practica descult.


Om este o mantra sau vibratie, care este cantata in mod traditional la inceputul si sfarsitul sesiunilor de yoga. OM mai este denumit si Pranava, ceea ce inseamna ca sustine viata si alearga prin Prana sau respira. OM este compus din trei litere, A, U și M, care simbolizeaza corpul, vorbirea si mintea impure ale practicianului, iar prin cantarea sunetului OM (AUM) obtinem o stare de puritate in minte, corp si suflet.

Yoga este mai mult decat niste simple posturi fizice. Chiar si in cadrul practicii fizice sau a asanelor, yoga este unica, deoarece conectam miscarea corpului si fluctuatiile mintii la ritmul respiratiei noastre.

Conectarea mintii, a corpului si a respiratiei ajuta sa ne directionam atentia spre interior. Prin acest proces de atentie interioara, invatam sa recunoastem modelele noastre de gandire obisnuite fara a le eticheta, a le judeca sau a incerca sa le schimbam. Devenim astfel mai constienti de experientele noastre din fiecare moment, iar corpul devine mult mai flexibil practicand yoga, si mintea la fel.

Puteti practica yoga de cate ori doriti si aveti posibilitatea. 

Va recomand sa incepeti cu doua sau trei sesiuni de practica pe saptamana. Dorinta de practica se extinde in mod natural si veti practica tot mai mult.

Yoga nu este o religie. Orice persoana, indiferent de tipul de religie, poate sa practice yoga.

The word Mantra is composed of „Man” – mind and „tra” – wave or wave. 

The mantra is an instrument of the mind – a powerful sound or vibration – that produces a vibrational frequency in the body and helps to access a deeper states of meditation.

Da! Yoga este cea care te va ajuta sa devii mai flexibil, atat fizic, cat si mintal.

Ideal este ca yoga sa fie practicata pe stomacul gol.

Inainte de practica de yoga trebuie sa pastrati o pauza de 3-4 ore fata de o masa bogata si o pauza de 1 ora fata de o masa usoara, ce contine fructe sau legume simple.

Dupa practica de yoga se poate lua masa la o distanta de 30 de minute

The shower can be done at an interval of 30 minutes both before and after yoga practice.

In the Nirvana Yoga System it is recommended that the shower be taken before yoga practice for 30 minutes, if is is possible, because cleansing the physical body has a beneficial effect on the practice.

Nirvana Yoga este un sistem de practici yoghine care sustine orice persoana in transformarea fizica, energetica si spirituala. Diferenta fata de alte sisteme de yoga este ca prin practica de Nirvana Yoga se primeste un flux de energie vindecator la nivel fizic, mintal si spiritual, sustinut prin intermediul Maestrului Sistemului Nirvana Yoga, Purna Guru Madhavacharyan, care a atins in anul 2005 stadiul ultim de evolutie umana.

Uneori in practica de Nirvana Yoga se canta mantre. Cantarea mantrelor nu este specifica religiei. Mantrele sunt cantari yoghine care sunt fie in sanscrita, fie in niste sunete, care nu au vreo semnificatie, ci emit vibratii prin care poti atinge o stare de spirit meditativa, prin schimbarea frecventei la nivelul creierului.


The yoga classes with Codruta helped me understand that yoga is not just an exercise for the body, but also for the mind. Combining asanas with meditation and breathing exercises helps me relax and have a better mood. I am glad to have met an instructor involved, who is ready to share his knowledge and knows how to guide the practice of yoga for the needs of each participant. 🙏(Diana N.)

„I am an active person who is often more stressed than I should be. I decided to start Nirvana Yoga classes with Codruta out of curiosity to see if I can detach, to relax, to give myself a few moments for myself. From the first class I realized that I made the right decision because it is a truly ZEN experience. The quet and peace that I got made me realize that nothing is hard, that you are allowed to relax from time to time. Codruta guided me patiently throughout the session and I can say with my hand on my heart that I was looking forward to the next experiences. I highly recommend it to anyone who has created a lifestyle out of their agitation.” (Diana H.)

„Codruta’s voice, which guides me during yoga sessions, manages to relax me, creating a warm and caring atmosphere. Yoga classeshelps me to keep my balance between daily activities and university courses. I highly recomand!” (Alexandra M.)

“Living in present makes the life joyful and wonderful. This happens with through self transformation and self-lessnes” 

Maestrul Madhavacharyan