The Nirvana Yoga Retreat program is designed by the founder of the Nirvana Yoga System, Guru Madhavacharyan, who will help you during the program to know what life is about, as a whole, through the communion of your Self with the Divine. Through the program you will free yourself from the stress and tensions of your everyday life and you will be guided to a healthy way of yogic life, through which you will be helped to find inner peace and happiness .

The program is available throughout the year and takes place in a similar place to an traditional Indian ashram, suitable for practicing Yoga and meditation.

Each participant is guided by Guru Madhavacharyan and will go through a personalized yogic learning with transformation stages of physical, mental and spiritual for his overall development.

Through this program, you will acquire the ability to deal with different problems and situations in life in a better way and without being affected by them.

It is a multidimensional healing program that involves the healing process of ailments if they exist, as well as the healing of karmic energies and disease existing in the subtle bodies that may manifest physically in a later stage of life.

The potential of the soul is raised and the mind is elevated to higher emotional centers through advanced healing and meditative practices that will help you change your perception of the world in a much more positive way and experience a state of unconditional love and a consciousness superior. During your stay, you will be able to increase your knowledge through lectures and speeches given by the yogis of the ashram.

The whole program is designed by Guru Madhavacharyan to make true spirituality accessible and applicable to all people and to reap its benefits for a peaceful material life


The program includes three meals a day, and the food is satvik vegetarian, organic, favorable to spiritual progress.

Accommodation is in apartments with all the necessary facilities. The rooms are twin type with private bathroom. During vacation and teacher training courses, couples are not allowed to share twin rooms and are not single rooms available.


5:30 am – Awakening

6:00 am – Nirvana Yoga practice session

8:30 am – Breakfast

9:30 am – Seva (done as a group activity)

11:00 – Lecture session

12:00 – Group meditation

13:00 – Lunch

14:30 – Spiritual healing practice session

16:00 – Herbal tea

17:30 – Nirvana Yoga practice session

18:45 – Group chants (mantras)

19:30 – Dinner

22:00 – Lights out


For additional details, registration and questions →